03 January, 2005

it is just a matter of time....

gua agak dah sial.. btul tak.. (musti korang igt aper gua ckp kat Syed kan... ) gua bukan penilik nasib ker aper ker.. tapi as mention gua cumer lari skit ajer.. so the final score was 5-3.. gua predict 5-2... gua suker ker?.. no no.. musti laa gua tak suker.. aper hal plak lu org nih.. gua bukan org indon.. tp tuh laa the truth... gua bukan profesional ftbol pundit.. even gua tak penah main profesional fotbal pun.. tapi come on laa.. come on .. selepas 10 yrs of CM gua rase gua bole laa drop a few thoughts on wat happened last nite.. conclusion die?.. kite bukan sahaja kena outplay by the indons.. tapi kite outplay diri kite sendiri.. n how luck takkan dapat save lu everytime...

gua pegi stadium..? of course tak.. gua mayb passionate tapi gua still takut keganasan dan gua still tak gemar crowded places... sebab tuh laa gua tak penah pegi tgk F1 lagik.. gua rase lagik comfy duduk kat umah gua sambil makan snek kat sofa... mayb tak dpt rase the true fans experince tapi takper laa.. nak buat camner kan... so on to the game.. indon as alwayz full of indons n two nigga... wat the fuck.. i know i know.. malaysia on the other hands, ader cina, india dan melayu... bai .. kat situ ajer kite dah menang sebab kite more diversified group.. kakkakakaakaka.. kite patut dpt fair play award sebab kite multi racial tapi kite bole main bole besama.. kakakka.. tapi lu bayangkan singpore.. brazilian pun diorg ader jugak.. hmmm.. susah sial nampaknyer kite nak menang aper aper award pun...

game pun mula.. game mula the same time gua amik baju letak kat iron board ready utk iron.. apsal gua tak concentrate fully on the game mcm 1st leg.. sebab gua rase gua dah tgk semua mase 1st leg.. gua mmg tau malaysia akan kena titik kalo malaysia main the same game.. tapi lu org kena igt jugak.. that time.. we were away to indons.. jadik mayb ade beberapa kriteria atau taktik kite pakai kite tak guna kat sini... kepla otak lu... lepas 15 mins kite main the same game.. play the same tactics mcm kite bukan kat bukit jalil... ker bukit jalil tuh bukan kat malaysia?... we came out defensive, men behind ball... in our own stadium.. while leading 2-1... might seems stupid kan?.. tapi member gua azan akan mai the same strategy bertahan bai.. tgh leading buat aper nak susah susah.. 0-0 pun dah cukup... well probably tuh laa mentality from coach malaysia dan playa die sendiri... in my book, thats not the way to win games.. u wanna win games, u gotta grab it by the horn(terigt gua gamba ben stiller - white dlm dodgeball.. kakakakakka).. gua sepanjang career gua dlm CM (yer from 1st sampai sekarang) sentiasa serang.. bia laa org taruk 4 bijik... kite taruk 5.. camtuh laa tactic gua.. n tak penah gagal sial.. gua tau tuh game.. gua tau.. tapi simulation bai.. simulation.....

tapi before gua maki the coach... who largly responsible utk menda menda tactical nih.. probably die pun ader pike the same thing mcm gua.. buat aper nak main attacking biler lu tau team lu mmg tak bole attack.. team lu mmg tak bole score goal.. bai.. malaysia cant score bai.. malaysia tak bole create opportunity sial.. tak pecaya?.. gua tgk game malaysia since friendly ngan sgpore bfore tiger cup.. team nih mmg susah sial nak score.. kite score goal yer btul.. tapi biler time kite jumpa giant cam myanmar or thailand.. susah giler sial nak score.. we can play for sumthin.. n we cant create out of nothin... tapi againts big team kite ade luck.. ade luck sial mcm the 1st leg.. where sum individual spark the magic.. tapi nih bukan basketball bai biler lu bole score 50 - 60 pts utk effect game.. nih bole bai.. lu kena gerak as one unit.. 2-3 player provide creativiti org lain kena execute... last nite.. mids r whack... fwd?.. sorg bole execute.. and amri?.. cam biase die bole lari ajer.. tak bole passing.. tak bole score.. camner bole main negara nih.. hmmm...

ok ok.. so kite come out all out defensive.. while ur at it... buat aper nak main 4-4-2.. bantai 5-4-1 aa.. alang alang mmg nak main betahan.. luckily.. indons main long ball.. gua tau samada nih taktik utk kasik penat kitenyer defence.. sebab kalo mmg btul laa.. gua rase peter white (indon nyer coach) mmg genius... sebab aper die ade plan utk 2nd half mmg gua pun tak budget... die launch all this long diagnol balls... pelik jugak sebab diorg scrap diorgnyer passing game.. mayb sebab pitch kite yg belopak lopak kot.. kakakakakak.. but anyhow gua can smell sumthin fishy.. ade skem sial.. sebab the best player yg kena suspend last leg still tak keluar dlm startin line up... tapi sebab org main long ball lawan ngan org main long ball.. mmg aa takde effect.. mmg aa defence kite bole absorve.. mmg nampak cam dinding... then.. it happened.. another slice of luck n a goal.. yer.. gua igt game dah settle.. tapi sebab gua org malaysia.. player tuh semua org malaysia dior pun igt game dah settle sebab kite semua malaysian.. kakakkakaka... sepatutnyer game dah settle sebab dah laa lu came out all defensive pastuh bole score goal plak.. giler bai...

n we, should chased the game down.. mase tuh.. mase indon tgh tensen pike giler babi power sial bomoh kat malaysia nih.. kakakaka.. patutnyer time tuh laa diorg kasik up the tempo.. go all atacking dan kasik bocor maner laa tau sebijik lagik.. n in fact for a couple of mins.. kite buat tapi?... kite tak bole attack bai.. tak bole.. tapi kite patut push jugak.. n half time.. gua rase cam semangat.. mcm time selangor pegi final malaysia in the early 90's.. but then the moment indon buat taktikal change n decide nak go all kamikaze 4-2-4... abis sial malaysia.. out of those 4, 3 can be prevented.. so the score line should stand 1 a piece.. tapi kite tak buat anythin.. mcm tsunami.. we just stood firmly... possibly amazed kot dgn passing game indon... mayb diorg tanyer tanyer.. apsal laa kite takde winger yg bole dribble camtuh.. apsal laa kite takde striker yg off the ball movement die camtuh.. apsal laa kite takde short passes camtuh.. apsal laa kite bukan indon?... pace n tempo game naik n kite tak respon pun.. kite ade 50 - 50 chances.. n lu-pun-tau-sape-budak-yg-tak-bole-score again tak score.. 3 on 2 situations.. 3 on 3.. 4 on 4.. malaysia mmg tak bole create aper aper... time nih lu harap ade player with tricks atau passin sense masuk.. cam akmal.. cam saravanan.. get sum passer in the mids..

tapi lu pun tau kite takde playa camtuh.. kite asik depend on individuals to lite up the game.. often.. too many time dah... so coach malaysia yg tau kite takde depth camtuh in the bench decide nak defend.. mase score 1-1.. tapi die masukkan sorang defender .. main 5-3 -2.. tapi malaysia mmg janggal main 5 defender yg menyebabkan lagik 3 goal tuh jadik... so sekarang lu org tanyer gua nak buat aper situation camtuh... gua penah hadapi ker situation camtuh.. well dlm 10 yrs gua main CM mmg banyak kali.. takde 2 leg game pun.. kalo ade lagik pressure sebab away goals count.. so aper gua nak buat.. kite tgk aper kite ade: bench tak de depth in attacking department.. kite 1-1 tapi 3-2 up on aggregate.. game ade lagik setengah jam.. bai.. kalo indon all kamikaze.. gua go all kamikaze sial defend.. gua main 6-5-0... 4 main bek.. 2 support wingback.. 5 mids... gua main game tuh sial.. where goals can only come from hopefull long range shot.. or dtg serang kite buat benteng sial .. wall.. bebetul punyer wall.. in fact dlm career gua mase final world cup.. gua manage germany lawan argentina.. kitaorg leading 2-1... then 1 playa gua kena sent off.. team gua terus kena serangan bom.. gua pakai sial formation tuh.. the-great-wall-of-china gua panggil formation gua.. n mmg great pun sebab gua betahan the whole 70 mins game tuh... kakakakkakakakakakakkakakka

realitinyer?... diorg tak pike nak buat camtuh.. lagipun bola takde time out.. semua dah pre-set.. n the malaysian coaching staffs yg diorg baya ribu ribu iggit nih tak tepike the wave akan attack camtuh 2nd half.. cumer gua yg satu sen pun diorg tak baya kat malaysia nih ade perasaan yg indon akan dtg kembali.. sebab aper?... sebab diorg menang the 1st leg sebenanyer... sebab diorg sepak tiang 3 kali sial.. sebab diorg outplay team kite frm the very beginning of the tournament lagik.. kite alwayz lucky n kite took for granted... kite menang the 1st leg n kite luper, we were gifted the win... kite dpt goal early n we forgot there is 45 mins of fotbal left.. we outplay ourself.. n we dont huv kenit as malaysian coach.. kakakkakakakakka.....


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