28 July, 2005

too much too soon....

a while back.. i did mention about goin 0 - 6.. n shit.. i did.. giler btul laa tahun nih.. but to put things into perspective.. i did get wat i want.. well takde laa.. im on my way to get it laa at least.. mungkin Tuhan nak senangkan choice supaya gua sendiri tak penin kepla dan tekan diri sendiri.. the price of honesty.. cheh....i dont know.. tapi mungkin betul laa gua dah pakai semua yg gua ader... kinda scary if thing doesnt work out.. ai yoo....

well.. just like LB.. i tender last friday.. making this the 5th stop of my madness tour in the world of keja... kakakkakakkak... tapi so far i think this is right for me.. lagipun gua dah tunggu utk buat lama benda nih.. mind the hesitation.. sepatutnyer dari mula semua org dah tau ape yg akan jadik.. this is my final stop.. lepas nih dah takde turning back n coming in the industry anymore.. cukup laaa.. nak kata gain enuff experience.. tatau laa jugak.. tapi yg paling penting i've tried... remember.. i can accept failure.. i cant accept not trying....

since last week.. menda jalan sgt pantas.. n to look forward.. waaa.. byk lagik benda nak kena settlekan nih.. time as always tak cukup... well need better time management to sort stuff.. byk jugak laa.. tapi rasenyer kalo saba skit dan buat everything ikut plan mungkin semuanyer ok.. i cant reveal everything now.. but trust me.. dlm seminggu 2 lagik probably semua org akan tau wats up.. aper benda yg gua ckp selama nih.. nih season finale nih kan.. so sabo....


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