06 July, 2005

border line ...

i should post more i think.. seein titi (which i linked under know thyself)... post.. giler byk nak mampus... dlm satu hari 3.. n if u guys look closely.. mase die post comment kat tempat gua die baru perasan yg die better post kat tempat die.. n actually he did.. kakakakakaka... well hari nih a bit bump up.. sebenonyer gua keletihan.. semalam malam gua pegi bersukan selepas aktiviti minum minum.. well at this stage... actually takde menda aper gua nak buat.. its funny though.. kalo takde menda nak buat... gua balik chillin (sebenanyer tak buat aper aper pun) kat dalam bilik.. i seldomly watch TV now.. before this bole tahan laa.. sekarang entah laa... kalo tak pun gua iron baju utk pegi keja..

there's a thing about working ppl n their shirts.. gua selalu pike apsal kan.. gua keja penat penat dlm sebulan.. (well actually takde laa everytime penat)... dpt gaji .. pastuh tgk sale.. spend it on shirts n pants.. kalo ader duit angkat kasut plak... pastuh nak basuh dan iron lagik menda tuh hari hari.... semua tuh gua buat utk pegi keja supaya at the end of the month dpt duit balik.. and on on.... lebih kurang same cam apsal kite basuh keta biler nanti keta tuh kotor jugak punyer philosphy laa... crazy but true.. makes u wonder aper point sebenanyer kite spend sampai 5 hari dlm seminggu kite yg 7 hari nih.. aper yg kite actually gain? duit utk kite belanja balik?... tapi semua menda kat dunia nih bebayar.. org kumpul duit byk byk semua actually utk aper?... majukan industri itu ini.. compete kat pasaran dunia semua.. utk aper?.... bukan lagik kewl ker kalo semua org relax jack (lek lek kompleks) dan dgn kewlnye biarkan dunia nih runs sendiri... org kerja utk kebajikan.. cthnyer.. gua gali minyak sebab gua suker kasik org minyak and at the same time ade org bekalkan makanan sebab die mmg nak bekalkan makanan... lu org paham tak idea gua nih?.. maknenyer takde org kena pakse dan semua org buat sumthin sebab die mmg nak ... becoz of their willingness n luv n interest n wanting-to-share... n bla bla bla..... but this is not zion... this is not the world where living is everything that u could ever wish.. kat sini semua org nak power dan kaya dan bla bla bla.. mungkin sebab tuh.... nanti kejap.. mmg sebab tuh pun.....

i just caught a glimsp of the prototype of XXI.... well from the world wide leader of the sneaker world.. ade org sanggup susah payah usaha utk sampaikan gamba tuh.. tapi so far i am not impressed.... susah jugak nak carik sneaker yg buat lu bangun every morning.. took a peak n said WOW dlm hati... dlm byk byk kasut gua actually ader 2 ajer yg buat gua begituh... to fall in luv n fall in debts... how true is that?... this weekend gua akan buat sumthin yg gua tak sangka dah sampai time nyer utk gua buat.. tapi dlm time nih gua tak rase aper aper.. lebih kurang mmg dah sampai seru.. bak kata pepatah dah time.... it the future.. u cant run away frm it.. a lot of time u wish u can be like one of couples who got enganged but never dares to take that big step... well i wish i was like that... tapi susah kan kalo idup begituh ajer.. (im not gettin married...dont get any wrong ideas)... kebanyakkan decision gua utk the next half of my life (hopefully) still pending.. huv to sort things out very very very soon.. procedures-
procedures-procedures-procedures-procedures-procedures-procedures-procedures.. come on!!!!


Blogger Titi Wangsa said...

you are getting married. and i want an invitation card. No oral invitation.

8:15 PM  
Blogger kenit said...

bro.. sad thing.. gua tak buat kenduri.. tapi there's alwayz budakbijak... dont worry..i dont do oral invitation... especially to all my buddies...

11:55 PM  
Blogger princessGarnet said...

ada apa dengan budakbijak?

6:38 PM  

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