04 July, 2005

playing for keep....

hehehhe.. bukan tanak post... i tell u wat.. kalo diorg invent a device yg bole letak dlm kepla nih .. at least laa.. bole rekod aper yg gua pike.. cucuk dlm USB kemudian terus keluar kat PC.. ataupun yg direct bole transfer lagik senang sial.. kakakakka... tapi fo sho device tuh sure mahal nak mati pastu nak implant kan pun tak sesenang yg gua bayangkan ataupun macam dlm south park... gua baru balik dari toilet.. kekadang gua rase bontot gua sakit nak berak nih sebab kerusi yg diorg bagi duduk kat opis nih tak sedap... berapa org pernah wonder menda tuh?... gua rase kekadang disebabkan kerusi tak sedap lu kena sembelit?.. ataupun lu selalu berak berak?.. i remember during my schooling days i alwayz lepak kat tangga.. n ppl keep on sayin that the cold cement will caused sembelit... gua tak sure how tru that was.. mayb the idea to keep us away from the spot.. but who knows.....

but serius... bole kena cancer sial kalo keja lu duduk ajer kat kerusi kat opis tuh... i cant recall wat type of cancer it is.. gua rase sumthin yg kena mengena ngan perut.. sebab posture badan kite tak betul mase kite duduk... n wit that we can sure our employer.. kakakakakakaka.... tapi mmg bz.. i've been to a couple of workplace... so far gua rase kebanyakkan goverment agency akan bagi lu kerusi yg super comfortable.. tak percaya?... well go to bank negara n u see wat i mean.... come here.. berak berak laa lu.. tak payah kire sakit pinggang ngan leher lagik.. penat org belaja ergo tapi kalo org org nih tak pike sgt pasal menda tuh tak guna jugak.....

last week was a big week... byk events (well actually 2 ajer) yg determine my future path.. uncertainty?.. well the highest ever.. now.. i am at the same state i was 6 months ago... altought some things look certain.. cumer baru ckp ckp atau mulut mulut org.. bahsa bahsa nih tanpa bukti mmg bahya.. its not that i dont believe them.. but trust me.. believing them is different that believe in them... kekadang pecaya sgt pun makan tuan.. tak pecaya kang susah plak.. from time to time we must alwayz content ourself to reality.. aper yg kite mmg dah ader compared to aper yg kite wish.... but trust me.. kalo btul laa aper yg org kata kata ... it will be a long road ahead of me.. preparation.. byk plak tuh.. bukannyer skit....

n yes.. i dont know whether i would go 0 - 6.. although i should admit.. it doesnt even matter.. but it is alwayz good to huv a back up.. u never know kan... the signs r not good at the moment.. haiyooo.... but in the end.. kite kena settle ngan aper yg best .. cumer gua harap sgt yg best tuh ader laa aper yg gua wish... tahun nih tak nampak bright lagik.. ade glimps.. (a lot i should say) but still bein balance out by the dark clouds... but as of all things kan... sabo ajer laaa..


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