20 June, 2005

times two...

ok.. kepada allahyarham... gua tak kenal baik ngan die.. gua rase lepas sekolah gua tak kenal baik.. i dont know.. probably distance.. or simply we r not that buddy buddy.. but anyway.. last year .. out of the blue.. my close frens also the CEO of awan assembled satu team futsal utk satu tournament... nih julung julung kalinyer.. to tell u the truth tak pernah pun team nih main together.. kitaorg bukan main sumbat ajer .. well actually in a way mcm tuh lebih kurang laa.. tapi takde laa mcm tuh..

well kalo nak kire sebenanyer.. dari budak sekolah gua.. yg gua selalu jumpa pun hanyer laaa 2-3 org.. bukan gua tak close.. tapi mungkin the shape n personality dah tak suit lagik environment... mayb gua dah grow up ataupun org lain dah grow up.. cumer sekali sekala kalo jumpa i can feel that awkward or uncomfortable silence... but thats that.. mungkin time sekarang nih... we dont huv anything in common or anything.. but still.. memories of the past creep in.. n becomes the mutual point of things....

personally this is not like losing ur luv ones.. yes.. but it still count fo sumthing.. kena igt.. idup kite is made up of all this patches.. direct or indirect tetap ader impact.. thats why every person u ever meet in this life, kite igt.. sebab setiap sorang at least ader some spot dlm memori kite... this is the cycle of life.. n like all ends.. probably God huv better plans for him.. n i like many others shall now pray for Allah to bless him... amen...


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