01 June, 2005

we r all on drugs...

yes.. i huvnt post in a while.. kalo laa tulis blog nih satu keja kan senang... kakakkka.. in fact gua penah jumpa iklan tuh kat jobstreet.. blogger... i didnt apply though... menyesal plak tak apply.. tapi it is dangerous beb lu bagi opinion lu pada hal hal semasa ... kekadang opinion lu burn lu balik bai.... i've been busy... yess btul.. tak silap lagik .. busy.. buat pertama kali nyer dlm setengah tahun nih diorg dump keja keja pada gua... mungkin diorg pun dpt sense yg gua asik goyang kaki tak buat menda... n probably they r sensing that im not goin to make it.. shit... im bitter... to bash or talk rationally bout that.. i need another entry....

today was the 1st day dlm 2-3 minggu nih yg gua bebetul free dan bole lepak skit... i know.. i've been doin it for the first 5 months.. kakakaka... i did an entry back then.. cite pasal where im at at this moment in time.. for the 1st time in my career gua bejaya bekerja dlm satu institusi selama setahun.. kakakakaka... sungguh membanggakan... gua pike pike balik camner laa bole sampai setahun.. mostly gua rase sebab by year end tahun lepas gua tak dedicate kan gua utk carik keja lagik.. sebaliknyer carik duit utk belaja.... jadik gua stop apply keja.. pelik bai.. once lu stop.. takde aper yg jadik... well actually tak jugak.. i did went to 5 interviews dlm duration tuh.. n ya.. i did go 0 - 5.. dry spell... cam shuga34.... miss jugak a few... well actually byk jugak laa.. unless gua akan go for 22 , 33 interview a year... (unlikely tho) so tak bole laa samakan ngan FG... jesus might go 11 - 22 n go for 30 pts.. tapi interview susah bai.....

that tell u that the more u try.. the more the possibility it went in... life 101.. senang ajer.. kalo lu nak awek.. lu usha 1000 org.. musti dpt punyer.. the probability of gettin 1 in 1000... i did go last week to another interview.. makin it 6.. but i dunno yet whether i would go 0 - 6... still too early.. is it?.... i dont know if it is me.. i just dont know.. mungkin jugak gua dah guna my lucky charm far to often last year.. sampai tahun nih takde dah... shit.. i know i should huv save some... i'm in no mood for anything.. wen u huv 28 bucks n another 18 days before pay day... u know how suck it gets.. sial laa... n of course wen u spend the entire 6 mth waitin for sumthin that u know is not there.. thats a bummer too.. rules.. rules... rules... haiyooo... human.... if there is such a place as machine city.. i'll live there.. i got no problem nak mix around ngan machines... they can even turn me into energizer if they want to..

yesterday was the worst.. its been a while since i got bad news... bad news r everywhere cumer yg related ngan lu tak selalu la.. sebenanyer everyday gua rase bad news.. but this is sumthin more serius.. yes they r things more serius than duit utk phd n jordans... i'm so sorry... the realness in this is scary that i cant even imagine it... keep ur head up.. God has other plans for u.... i saw a sticker once wen i was driving.. it says:
IF THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE IS ALLAH.. THEN YOU HAVE EVERYTHING... well... u r not losing anything then.... cheers n keep ur head up....


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